Every home for sale in Halifax is available to our customers.

With the Chisholm Group you are getting more than a REALTOR®. You get access to our full range of expertise from home appraisals to custom-home building. We are upfront with our customers whether they are getting a new home from our partners or are buying a home on the market. We want to ensure that it is the right home for you, and that it has met a high-standard of quality.

Contact us today to discuss your home needs


The real estate team at Chisholm Group would be glad to hear from you to help you find or sell a property. We have travelled Nova Scotia and the Maritimes extensively, and can help you find the perfect spot to call home, or find the buyer who is looking to move in.

Connect with The Chisholm Group to discuss more. For more information about our process, available inventory, or any related questions please email us at realtor@chisholmgroup.ca or fill out the form to the right!